Monthly Archives: February 2015

Why HVAC Maintenance Is So Important

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Importance Of HVAC Maintenance - Bruces AC ChandlerIf you are a first time homeowner, you may not realize why HVAC maintenance is so important to your home. Many first time homeowners focus on the daily upkeep projects such as cutting the grass, cleaning the gutters, and pest control while forgetting one of the most important maintenance projects: HVAC maintenance.

Here are three reasons that routine maintenance on your heating and cooling unit is so important.

Reasons Why HVAC Maintenance Is Important

Reasons that routine maintenance on your HVAC is important.

1. Efficiency Of Your Unit

As your HVAC unit gets older, like most appliances, it will become less efficient. Over time, the parts of the unit may become dirty which prevents them from working at full potential. In fact, studies have shown that a dirty unit will work twenty percent harder than a clean unit while providing the same heating and cooling power to your home.

An inefficient unit will cost you more on utilities as well. While your unit is running harder to cool and heat your home, it is using more power to do that. That extra power will cost you at the end of each month. If you aren’t sure how efficient your unit is, you can call us and one of our experienced HVAC technicians can check your unit!

2. Healthier Air

The air that circulates through your home is the same air that is found outside only it is filtered through your HVAC unit. If a member of your home suffers from seasonal allergies, this condition can be exasperated if your HVAC unit is not properly maintained. Failing to change filters and clean coils can cause your unit to become a breeding ground for dirt and allergens. It is recommended that you change your filter monthly and clean your unit at the beginning of spring and at the end of summer to insure that your air quality is good throughout the year.

3. Fewer Emergency Repairs

We have all been there, the hottest day of the year and no air conditioning. You call the repair company only to find that you will be waiting a day or more for your repairs to be made. What if you could avoid the emergency repairs all together? Proper HVAC maintenance will allow your technician to discover any potential issues your unit may have in the coming months. With this information, they will be able to recommend potential remedies for the situation.

While you may not think that HVAC maintenance is a high priority item on your list of things to do, the health and comfort of your family relies on proper maintenance!

Call Us Now To Schedule A Beneficial Maintenance Appointment!

Check Out Our 5 Common Sense Air Conditioning Tips!

Are Programmable Thermostats Worth It?

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Are Programmable Thermostats Worth It - BrucesAC.comIf you are like a number of homeowners looking to cut the cost of your energy bills, you may have considered spending the money on a programmable thermostat. While most studies show that a programmable thermostat doesn’t save homeowners a lot of money on their energy bills, these same studies show that most people are not using them correctly.

Here are a few ways you can use your programmable thermostat to save money.

Ways Your Programmable Thermostat Can Save Money


Early Morning

Let’s be honest, waking up in a cold house is not fun. Running across the house to turn up the heat and then waiting for it to take the chill out before you get in the shower is time wasted. A programmable thermostat will take care of this issue for you. You will be able to stay in your warm bed while the thermostat adjusts the temperature to your preferences. Setting the thermostat to raise the temperature about thirty minutes before you get up will make getting out of bed easier.

When You Are Not Home

Have you ever wondered how much energy you waste while you are not home? The answer depends on if you manually change the thermostat before walking out the door. Most people do not change the thermostat before leaving for work. A programmable thermostat will allow you to set the temperature to automatically adjust during times you are not home. This is great for people who work long shift or leave town frequently.

When You Are Sleeping

If you are like most people, you climb into bed and snuggle under a few blankets in the winter months. If you are under all those blankets, do you really need your home to be a sweltering eighty degrees too? Probably not, but who wants to wake up to a cold house and wait for the heat to kick on after you run across the house to adjust it to a comfortable temperature? Now you can program your thermostat to turn down the temperature about an hour after you go to bed and turn it back up about an hour before you wake up.

Save Money With A Programmable Thermostat Over Time!

By using your programmable thermostat properly, you can save a fortune on your heating and cooling costs each year. This makes the cost of purchasing a programmable thermostat worth it in the long run.

Call Us Now To Get More Information On Programmable Thermostats &
How We Can Conveniently Install One For You!