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HVAC Tips to Get Ready for Labor Day

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For Americans, Labor Day means taking time off work, the start of football season, the traditional end of summer, swimming, backyard barbecues, and spending quality time with friends and family. With Labor Day weekend here, we’ve gathered a few helpful HVAC tips to help you get started on your list.


You may be tempted after the long, hot summer to drop the thermostat lower than 65 degrees to feel the chill on Labor Day. Don’t do it. Lowering the thermostat this low can actually result in the unit freezing up. The AC condenser or evaporator coils may freeze up and stop functioning properly. Even if the coils don’t freeze up, the additional strain on the HVAC system will result in a massive impact to your energy bill. Keeping the thermostat in the mid- to high-70s is the most energy efficient setting to keep everyone cool.

Air Filter

When’s the last time you checked and replaced the air filter? This easy DIY fix can decrease your air conditioner’s power usage by five to 15 percent. If you neglect to check and replace the filter at least monthly in the Valley of the Sun, the air filter will become clogged with dust and dirt. This makes it difficult for your AC unit to pull cool, clean air into your home. The AC unit will cycle on and off more than it should. This cycling uses more power running at a lower capacity for a longer period of time causing more hot and cold spots throughout the house.

Ceiling Fans

Running your ceiling fans in occupied rooms helps to keep you and your family cooler. Ceiling fans help keep the cool air flowing with a steady breeze. They help avoid frequent thermostat temperature adjustments which can strain the AC unit and make you feel like it’s one to four degrees cooler indoors than it actually is.

Call Us

The last thing you want is for your AC to break down on Labor Day. If you have any HVAC concerns, call us to schedule an appointment. Your comfort is our business. You can rely on Bruce’s experienced technicians to take care of any issues that you may have on Labor Day or any day of the year. Emergency services are available on the Labor Day holiday by calling Bruce’s at 480-968-5652. Enjoy the long Labor Day holiday weekend!

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