Author Archives: Bruce's Air Conditioning

A person adjusting a wall thermostat to control the temperature.

When to Fire Up Your Air Conditioner for Arizona’s Scorching Heat

For Arizona residents, the start of air conditioning season is not dictated by a date on the calendar, but by those first few days of skyrocketing temperatures. We all have our own tipping point when dealing with the arrival of triple digit heat. So how do you know when it’s time to switch from fan to AC mode? Here are some guidelines to help you decide the ideal timing for cool relief.

Consider the Temperature Trends

Many HVAC professionals recommend turning on your air conditioning once outdoor temps consistently hit 80-85°F during the daytime hours. This gives you a transition period when you’ll still get some energy-saving natural ventilation at night before sustained highs settle in for the long haul. Monitor the weather forecast for stretches where the daily highs will exceed this range. That’s your cue that warmer weather has arrived.

Evaluate Indoor Comfort Levels

A less scientific but equally valid gauge is when indoor temps make your home feel uncomfortable and sticky despite using ceiling fans and other passive cooling methods. Once you find yourself sweating while lounging inside, the AC becomes essential for maintaining an acceptable living environment.

Start the Season Gradually

When you do decide it’s AC season, try easing into it by setting the thermostat a few degrees higher than normal at first, around 78-80°F. Let your home and AC unit adjust over a couple days. Then work down to your regular comfort setting of 75°F or lower. This gradual approach prevents spikes in energy usage from that first extended run cycle.

Prep for Home Remodeling

With the intense summer heat quickly approaching, it’s imperative that any major home remodel accounts for HVAC accommodations. Plan early and partner with your qualified HVAC contractors at Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating to ensure your heating and cooling systems will function reliably and efficiently after the construction dust settles on your newly renovated Phoenix metro residence.

Listen to Your Body’s Signs

Ultimately, your own physical response to the transition of seasons may be your most accurate sign that AC is required. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortably hot, sweaty, lethargic, or unable to sleep at night due to the heat, don’t push it any longer. Call Bruce’s today to schedule an appointment to discuss your air conditioning system at 480-968-5652. We’ll help you beat the heat!

A small tree growing from a globe-shaped pot with "happy earth day" text, set against a sunlit, barren landscape.

Earth Day 2024 Energy Saving Tips

With Earth Day 2024 celebrated on Monday, April 22, it’s a great time for Arizona residents to take a look at ways we can reduce our energy consumption and carbon footprints. Our hot desert climate leads to high energy usage for cooling, but there are lots of effective strategies to cut costs and be more eco-friendly. Here are some top tips for saving energy and the planet.

Maintain Your AC Unit

Your air conditioning system accounts for a huge portion of your electricity usage during those blazing Arizona summers. Make sure to replace your air filters regularly and have your unit serviced twice a year. This keeps it running efficiently and prevents costly breakdowns.

Seal Air Leaks

All that cold air your AC produces is wasted if it leaks out through cracks and openings around windows, doors, attics, and crawl spaces. Use caulk, weatherstripping, and insulation to seal up any drafty spots.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

These nifty energy saving devices adjust the temperature automatically based on your schedule, keeping things comfortable when you’re home but allowing the AC to cycle down when you’re away at work or running errands.

Use Ceiling Fans

Keeping air circulating allows you to raise the thermostat a few degrees while still feeling comfortable in your home. The breeze from fans makes rooms feel 4 degrees cooler without having to crank the AC.

Upgrade Insulation and Windows

While upfront costs can be high, improving insulation levels in your attic, walls and crawl spaces reduces heat transfer. Installing double or triple-paned windows with spectrally selective coatings also cuts cooling needs substantially. Plus, there are federal government tax incentives for these upgrades.

Adjust Lighting and Electronics

Use LED bulbs, turn off lights in unoccupied rooms, set computers to sleep mode, and unplug chargers around your house when not in use. Smart power strips make it easy to cut standby power use.

Happy Earth Day

Whether you implement a few simple changes or make larger efficiency upgrades, reducing your energy footprint is a win-win situation. You’ll save money while helping the planet! Take some steps this Earth Day to make your Arizona home more eco-friendly.

Contact your cooling and heating professionals at Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating today at 480-968-5652. We can provide tips on how you can improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. Our technicians are available 24/7, including holidays and weekends. Join us in celebrating the world’s largest environmental movement on Earth Day 2024.

A woman sitting at a desk, using a calculator with a coffee cup beside her.

Save Big with These HVAC Tax Credits and Rebates for Arizona Homeowners

It’s never too early to start tax planning for 2025! With Arizona’s scorching summer temperatures on the way, energy-efficient HVAC systems are essential for homeowners to keep utility bills under control while maintaining comfort. Fortunately, there are numerous federal tax credits and local utility rebate programs available that can significantly offset the costs of investing in new high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment or home energy upgrades. Here are some of the top opportunities you should take advantage of.

Federal Tax Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act, passed in 2022, extended and expanded several tax credit opportunities related to HVAC, insulation, windows, and other home efficiency projects. Through 2032, homeowners can claim:

  • Up to $600 tax credit for energy-efficient central AC, air-source heat pumps, and natural gas furnaces.
  • Up to $600 credit for water heaters, biomass stoves, and electric panels.
  • Up to $1,200 annual credit for insulation, exterior windows, skylights, and exterior doors.

To qualify, HVAC equipment and other components must meet specific energy efficiency ratings. Installation costs are covered with no cap on total credits claimed for eligible projects.

SRP Residential Rebates

Salt River Project offers several HVAC rebates for its residential electric customers: $200 per double HVAC load, $85/ton for variable speed AC units, and $150 for ENERGY STAR multi-split systems with ratings of 19+ SEER. There are also rebates for room ACs, insulation, windows, and whole-home energy efficiency upgrades. This is an easy way for you to upgrade your HVAC system and take advantage of these rebates.

APS Coolcash Incentives

Arizona Public Service’s incentive program provides rebates for replacing central AC units with advanced 16+ SEER air conditioners or heat pumps. The cash back amounts range from $280 to $725 based on the new system’s efficiency rating. APS also offers discounts on window AC units, duct repairs, and insulation.

Get in Touch with Bruce’s HVAC Experts Today

With summer right around the corner, you know as an Arizona homeowner that you pay a premium to keep things cool. Don’t miss out on these phenomenal tax credits and rebates that can save you thousands when upgrading your home’s HVAC. Check qualifications, file for credits at tax time, and reap the savings over the long-term by reaching out to your knowledgeable local experts at Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating. Call us today at 480-968-5652 to schedule your appointment.

Woman seated, using tissue to blow her nose.

Beat the Arizona Spring Allergies: Keep Pollen Out of Your Home

 If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you know the struggle is real once spring arrives in Arizona. The warm temperatures and dry air create the perfect storm for trees, grasses, and weeds to release clouds of pollen that make their way into your home and wreak havoc on allergy symptoms. But there are some steps you can take to reduce indoor allergen levels and find relief.

Start with Good Door and Window Seals

One of the main ways pollen enters the house is through cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and other openings. Inspect these areas and seal up any drafty spots using caulk or weatherstripping. This creates a tighter barrier against exterior allergens while also improving energy efficiency. While you’re at it, make sure exterior door sweeps and seals are in good condition.

Use High-Quality Air Filters

Your HVAC air filters trap particulates like dust and pollen before they can circulate through your home. Make sure you are using pleated, high-efficiency filters with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating of 8-12. These finer filters catch more microscopic allergens than basic flat filters. 

Keep Windows and Doors Closed

As tempting as it is to throw open the windows and let in fresh air, doing so also welcomes allergens inside. Your best bet when pollen counts are high is to keep all windows and exterior doors closed. Run your AC or fans instead to filter interior air.

Clean Rigorously

Pollen that does make its way in will settle on surfaces like floors, furniture, and blinds. Vacuum frequently using a model with a HEPA filter. Damp mop floors and wipe down other surfaces with a microfiber cloth to remove clinging pollen grains. Wash bedding weekly in hot, soapy water. And consider replacing window treatments and upholstery if they have become pollen collectors.

Remove Shoes and Change Clothes

Pollen can hitch a ride into your home on shoes, bags, and clothing. Make it a habit to remove shoes when entering. Also, change clothes after spending significant time outdoors and toss them in the laundry.

Call Bruce’s

Making sure you have a clean HVAC system means you’ll be breathing in clean air, free of pollen, dander, mold, and dust. Call your local experienced technicians at Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating today to schedule your spring HVAC maintenance tune-up at 480-968-5652. We’ll make certain your home is free of those pesky allergens. 

The Dangers of DIY HVAC Repair for Arizona Homeowners

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With Arizona’s sweltering summer heat and mild but pleasant winters, a properly working HVAC system is an absolute necessity for homeowners. However, attempting to service or repair your own HVAC system is inadvisable and can lead to serious consequences. Here are some of the major reasons why you shouldn’t attempt DIY HVAC work and instead you should hire a reputable, local HVAC company.

Safety Hazards

HVAC systems involve complex electrical wiring, combustible fuel sources like natural gas, dangerous refrigerants, and powerful motors. Without proper training, attempting repairs on your own HVAC unit can put you at severe risk of electrical shocks, gas leaks, fires, exposure to toxic chemicals, and other safety hazards. Trained HVAC technicians have the knowledge and equipment to safely work on these systems.

Expensive Mistakes

Even if you manage to avoid injuries, attempting DIY repairs on an HVAC system if you don’t know what you’re doing is likely to create further damage and issues, which will then require expensive professional repairs. Inexperienced homeowners often misdiagnose HVAC problems, replace the wrong parts, or improperly reassemble components, compounding the original issues. Hiring a local pro gets it done right the first time.

Voided Warranties

Most HVAC equipment comes with a manufacturer’s warranty to cover replacements and repairs needed due to defects or premature failures. However, if you attempt DIY repairs, you will automatically void those valuable warranties. Professional HVAC technicians know how to properly service equipment without voiding warranties.

Shortened Equipment Life

HVAC systems are expensive investments that you’ll want to get the maximum lifespan out of through proper maintenance and repairs. DIY work done incorrectly can severely shorten the functional lifetime of your HVAC equipment by causing excess strain, poor energy efficiency, premature breakdowns, and other issues. Certified techs know how to care for your system.

Licensing and Code Requirements

In most areas, there are strict licensing requirements and building codes that HVAC work must adhere to—especially for more extensive repairs or full system replacements.

Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating is your local company for all things HVAC. Our experienced technicians can handle any type of HVAC servicing issue and now is a great time to schedule your twice-yearly HVAC maintenance. Call us today at 480-968-5652 to schedule an appointment. We’ll gladly perform a full system inspection and provide expert guidance for any suggested repairs.