Author Archives: Bruce's Air Conditioning

Woman sitting on a couch, holding an orange fan.

AC Summer Survival Guide: Keeping Cool When the Heat Is On

Summer in Arizona is no joke. With scorching temperatures soaring past 110 degrees, and the monsoon season bringing dust storms and powerful thunderstorms, your air conditioning unit works overtime to keep your home cool. Here’s how to avoid common AC problems and keep your home comfortable during the hottest months:


A clogged air filter is a top culprit behind AC woes. Arizona’s dusty climate creates the perfect storm for particles to clog your air filter, restricting airflow and forcing your AC to work harder. To ensure efficient operation and prevent breakdowns, check and replace your air filter monthly during monsoon season. Remember, clean filters not only keep your home comfortable but also extend the lifespan of your AC unit and save you money on repairs.


Several issues can cause your AC to freeze up. A broken thermostat, incorrect settings, blown fuses, or a clogged filter can all disrupt the delicate balance within your AC unit. Damaged evaporator coils due to a malfunctioning fan or refrigerant leaks can also lead to freezing. If you suspect a frozen AC, resist the urge to tinker and call a qualified local technician for immediate assistance.


Arizona’s brutal summers mean your AC unit works overtime. The AC capacitor plays a crucial role, preventing the fan motor from constantly running at high speed. Similar to a rechargeable battery, the capacitor wears out over time with all the on-and-off cycles. The good news? Highly trained technicians can diagnose and fix this issue quickly, ensuring your AC continues to run smoothly.

Blowing Hot Air:

Is your AC blowing hot air instead of cool relief? Several culprits could be at play – a malfunctioning thermostat, debris blocking the outdoor unit, low refrigerant levels, or a clogged air filter. Don’t suffer in the heat! Call your qualified local technician to diagnose the problem and get your AC back on track.


Water pooling near your AC unit’s drain is a cause for concern. A clogged drain can lead to water damage in your home or even damage AC components. Call your local professionals to address a clogged drain before it’s too late.

Contact Bruce’s for Help

By following these simple tips and being proactive about maintenance, you can ensure your AC unit keeps you cool and comfortable all summer long. Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating experienced pros are available all summer long by calling 480-968-5652. The best time to schedule servicing is by calling us today.

A sand storm looms over a desert road, creating a hazy and ominous atmosphere.

How Arizona’s Summer Storms Can Cause an AC Failure

Ah, the Arizona monsoon. A striking shift from scorching heat to sudden downpours, dust storms, and dramatic skies. While these storms offer a welcome respite from the relentless sun, they can wreak havoc on your home’s air conditioning unit. Here’s how Arizona’s summer monsoons can cause a sudden AC failure and leave you sweltering.

1. Dust Storm Demolition:

Those dust walls Arizona is famous for are impressive. But they’re trouble for your AC. Tiny dust particles clog the delicate outdoor condenser unit coils, reducing airflow and hindering heat exchange. This forces your AC to work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and potential breakdowns.

2. Hail Havoc:

Large hailstones during monsoon storms can damage the condenser unit’s fins, which are essential for heat dissipation. Bent or broken fins reduce efficiency and can even lead to refrigerant leaks.

3. The Downpour Dilemma:

Heavy monsoon rains can overwhelm your AC unit’s drainage system. Clogged drains lead to water pooling around the unit, potentially causing electrical issues or even rust damage.

4. Power Play Perils:

Lightning strikes are a common occurrence during monsoon storms. Power surges caused by lightning can damage the electrical components of your AC unit, leading to malfunctions or even complete failure.

5. Branching Out Blues:

High winds during monsoon storms can cause tree branches and other debris to break off and damage the outdoor condenser unit. This can damage the fan blades or coils disrupting your AC operation.

6. Leak Woes:

Rapid temperature changes during monsoons can cause condensation on refrigerant lines. This moisture can create a breeding ground for mold growth, potentially leading to leaks and reduced cooling efficiency.

7. The Dirty Filter Debacle:

Dust storms and increased pollen during monsoons can quickly clog your air filters. A clogged filter reduces airflow, forcing your AC to work harder.

8. The DIY Fallacy:

With monsoon-related AC issues, attempting DIY repairs can be dangerous and worsen the problem. Always call a qualified HVAC technician for diagnosis and repairs to ensure safe and proper operation of your AC unit.

Call Bruce’s

By staying informed and taking proactive steps, you can ensure your AC unit survives the Arizona monsoon season and keeps you cool and comfortable all summer long. Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in avoiding a hot and sticky situation! Call Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 480-968-5652 today to schedule your appointment. We’re always available for you 24/7 including weekends and holidays.

An air conditioner and a flower in front of a brick building.

Why Your AC Might Be Forming Ice in the Summertime

Phoenix metro summers are legendary for their relentless heat. But what happens when your air conditioner freezes up? This icy situation can occur for several reasons unique to Arizona’s scorching climate. Here’s why your AC might be forming ice and how to prevent these frosty meltdowns.

The Culprit: Restricted Airflow

Imagine your AC unit as a hardworking athlete. Just like any athlete needs oxygen to perform, your AC needs proper airflow to function efficiently. The most common reason for ice buildup is restricted airflow across the evaporator coils. The evaporator coil is responsible for absorbing heat from the indoor air. Restricted airflow can be caused by several factors:

  • Clogged Air Filter: Arizona’s dusty climate is notorious for clogging air filters with dust, pollen, and debris. A clogged filter reduces airflow causing the evaporator coils to become excessively cold. This leads to moisture in the air freezing on the coils, creating an icy buildup.
  • Dirty Ducts: Over time, dust and debris can accumulate within your air ducts. This buildup restricts airflow throughout your system, mimicking the effect of a clogged filter.
  • Blocked Vents: Furniture or objects placed too close to vents can restrict airflow into the system. This results in your AC unit having to work overtime to help air circulate throughout your home.
  • Malfunctioning Blower Fan: The blower fan is responsible for circulating air across the evaporator coils. A malfunctioning fan won’t provide adequate airflow, leading to potential ice formation.

Preventing the Icy Apocalypse

Here’s how to avoid these frosty situations and keep your AC running smoothly all summer long:

  • Change your air filter regularly: Check and replace your air filter monthly during Arizona’s monsoon season and every two to three months during other times.
  • Schedule regular AC maintenance: Twice yearly maintenance by a local qualified technician can identify potential problems like dirty coils or failing components before they cause ice buildup.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat: Program your thermostat to adjust temperatures automatically when you’re away or sleeping. This reduces unnecessary strain on your AC system.

Contact Bruce’s Today

Remember, an icy AC unit is a warning sign. Ignoring ice buildup can lead to further damage and costly repairs. The best way to ensure your AC unit keeps you cool all summer long is to call your professionals at Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 480-968-5652. Schedule your appointment today to have our technicians immediately diagnose and address any HVAC issues.

What You Need to Know about Your HVAC Air Ducts

If you live in Arizona, you know the summer heat is no joke. Temperatures routinely soar above 100°F, making air conditioning an absolute necessity rather than a luxury. But did you know that damaged or outdated HVAC ductwork could be forcing your home’s AC to work harder than it needs to? This increased strain can not only lead to higher energy bills; it can also shorten the lifespan of your HVAC system. The good news is, there are simple steps you can take to improve ductwork efficiency and lower those sky-high cooling costs.

Ductwork Leaks

The biggest issue with leaky, damaged, or aging ductwork is that it causes cooled air to escape before it can circulate through your home. According to, homes with ductwork leaks can lose up to 30% of the air moving through the system. Those leaks force your AC to run longer cycles to achieve the desired temperature, consuming more energy.

Hot Air and Dust

Improperly sealed ducts also create opportunities for hot attic air and dust to infiltrate the system. When that super-heated air seeps in, it makes the AC work even harder to cool your home’s air to the thermostat setting. The dust that comes in can also clog components like the air filter, further reducing efficiency.

Professional Inspection

So, what can you do to prevent duct leaks from driving up your electricity bills? First, have your local HVAC professionals inspect your ductwork to identify any leaks, disconnections, or other damage. They can then properly seal any openings using mastic sealant or metal tape. Insulating exposed ducts is another way to minimize cooled air loss and improve efficiency.
Another smart move is to ensure your ducts are the correct size for your HVAC system. Improperly sized ducts can restrict airflow, causing your system to underperform. During a duct replacement, your local contractor can calculate and install the ideal duct sizing for your home’s cooling needs.

Call Bruce’s

We’re your local HVAC experts with decades of experience evaluating and repairing ductwork. Fixing duct leaks will result in cooled air being evenly distributed throughout your home all year long. Your AC unit will be blowing air where it needs to go, saving you money on your monthly utility bills. Call Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 480-968-5652 today to schedule your appointment. We’re here for you 24/7, including holidays.

USA flag waving on pole with tree backdrop.

Staying Comfortably Cool in the Arizona Heat for July 4th

If you live in Arizona, you know that Independence Day falls right in the middle of the hottest time of the year. With temperatures regularly soaring above triple digits during the day, it can be a challenge to keep your home comfortable without sending your energy bills through the roof. However, with some simple tips and tricks, you can stay cool and celebrate as we approach the July 4th holiday with family and friends.

Reduce Heat Buildup

One of the most effective ways to keep your home cooler is to minimize the amount of heat buildup inside during the day. Keep blinds and curtains closed on sun-exposed windows to block out direct sunlight. This can reduce heat gain by up to 45%. You should also avoid using heat-generating appliances like the oven or stove during the hottest hours. Instead, opt for cooler meal options like salads, sandwiches, or foods you can grill outside. You can prepare all your favorite dishes such as burgers, hot dogs, and veggies outdoors on the BBQ. This keeps the heat source outside!

Fans are Your Friends

You’ll want to utilize the power of fans. Overhead ceiling fans can be used to create a windchill effect, making you feel cooler without solely relying on AC. You may also want to consider some portable fans for specific areas where you’ll be spending most of your time inside.

Smart Scheduling

Program your thermostat to adjust automatically. Set it to a slightly higher temperature indoors when you’ll be outside enjoying pool time, eating, or fireworks. Adjust the temperature back down before everyone heads back inside. Avoid setting the temperature indoors way below the outside temperature which makes your HVAC system work too hard.

Cool Space

Don’t forget to stay hydrated and avoid too much strenuous activity during peak heat hours. Set up a cool, comfortable space to relax with movies, books, or video games when it’s just too hot to be outside celebrating July 4th festivities in the Arizona sun. With some strategic planning and small investments, you can keep yourself comfortable and your energy costs reasonable no matter how high the temperatures soar.

Bruce’s for 24/7 Service

Call Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating at 480-968-5652 for any AC emergencies. Our technicians are always available for service calls 24/7. We wish you and your family a very happy, safe July 4th holiday!