How Is The Efficiency Of Heating And Cooling Systems Measured?

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Efficiency Of Heating And Cooling Systems-BrucesAC.comThe desire to find the most energy efficient heating and cooling systems has caused many consumers to search the Internet for the latest HVAC units. What most people don’t know is that efficiency also differs in new HVAC systems.

To identify the most efficient system, consumers need to learn how to measure HVAC efficiency.

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How Efficiency Of Heating And Cooling Systems Is Measured

Usually the efficiency of heating and cooling systems is given as ratios. Learn the common efficiency ratings below.

Common Efficiency Ratings


MERV stands for the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. It measures the efficiency of air filters based on the size of the holes. The most efficient air filters have a MERV rating of 16, while the least efficient filters have a rating of 1.

Energy Star Rating

The EPA has set minimum requirements that must be met or exceeded by HVAC equipment. Consumers should know that any heating or cooling system that has an Energy Star label or sticker is energy efficient. The rating is based on a wide range of factors including; energy consumption, cost and performance of the device compared to existing products in the market.


The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is a measure of the average cooling power provided by an HVAC system for every unit of electricity consumed. To calculate SEER, the energy consumption and cooling power of the HVAC system throughout the season must be taken into consideration. Modern heating and cooling systems have SEER ratings ranging from 13 to 22. The higher the value, the more energy efficient the system.


EER stands for Energy Efficiency Ratio. It is one of the most important efficiency ratings for HVAC systems. It measures the amount of cooling an AC can give you for every dollar you spend on electricity. The EER rating takes only the hottest day of the season in consideration. SEER is a variation of EER that takes into consideration temperature variations throughout the season.

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