Category Archives: HVAC

Staying warm in an unheated house.

HVAC Prep for Fall

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After a long summer of excessive heat, the Valley of the Sun is finally starting to cool down. Before you know it, you’ll be able to change the thermostat setting from cool to heat when morning and evening temperatures begin to drop. That means it’s the right time to get your HVAC system in tip-top shape for the cooler months ahead. We’ve put together a short list of items to check off.

Replace the Air Filter

The first place to start is by replacing the air filter. During monsoon season, Arizona’s dust storms bring high volumes of dust and debris which can end up coating your HVAC air filter. This simple task will only take a few minutes and will provide cleaner indoor air. If there are pets or any family members with respiratory issues, replace them with MERV 11 and up or Filtrete 1500 and up air filters.

Change Thermostat Settings

If you have a traditional thermostat, flip the setting from cool to heat. For thermostats that are programmable or smart, you can change the setting over to either cool and heat or heat only. Sometimes fall weather can be warm enough that you’ll want a bit of air conditioning for short periods of time. You’ll notice a rapid decrease in energy costs on your next utility bill now that lower morning and night time temperatures are keeping it much cooler inside your house.

Check Outside the HVAC System

You’ll want to walk around your outdoor HVAC system to see if summer storms have impacted the exterior system. Remove branches, dead vegetation, debris, and gravel that can potentially obstruct the vitally important HVAC blower, condenser coils, and evaporator fins and coils.

HVAC Servicing

Bruce’s certified technicians recommend twice-yearly servicing for your air conditioner, heater, and ductwork. Regular maintenance keeps your HVAC system running smoothly all year long with a thorough inspection. You’ll want to ensure that your furnace or heat pump is working efficiently, ready to heat your home for colder weather ahead. Don’t skip on scheduling this vital servicing. You don’t want to be left out in the cold because of a system breakdown during winter.

Call Bruce’s for a Fall Tune Up

Now that you’ve checked off all the boxes, it’s time to call Bruce’s today to schedule your fall tune up. Don’t wait. Call your locally owned HVAC professionals at 480-968-5652. We’ll make certain your home will be prepared for cooler weather ahead as the Valley of the Sun leader in preventive heating and cooling maintenance.

person working on an HVAC system

Advantages of Preventative Fall HVAC Maintenance

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Even though temperatures are still quite toasty in the Valley of the Sun, it’s never too early to think about getting your HVAC system ready for cooler fall weather. Performing annual maintenance this time of the year can help keep your HVAC system running smoothly. Here’s what you need to know.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

On average we take 20,000 breaths each day and spend about 90% of our time indoors. So, changing your HVAC air filters on a regular basis will reduce the amount of dust, pollen, mold, and other allergens indoors. Inspecting and cleaning HVAC components during servicing will ensure that indoor air quality is improved without impeding air flow.

Saves Energy

Twice-yearly HVAC system maintenance helps save you money. Studies by the Department of Energy show that an efficient HVAC system can reduce your utility bill up to 30%. Maintaining high levels of performance means less component breakdowns and longer system lifespan.

Fine-Tuned Comfort

An HVAC system operating properly helps maintain accurate temperature control. Malfunctioning HVAC parts, reduced airflow, or ductwork leaks can cause the thermostat to work longer to achieve the desired temperature. Servicing provides a better level of comfort for your family resulting in less energy consumption and reduced carbon emissions.

Warranty Protection

By having your HVAC system serviced on a twice-yearly plan, you’ll help to ensure that the manufacturer’s warranty requirements are met. A system maintained correctly decreases the probability of issues happening due to neglect.

Home Safety

Bruce’s experienced technicians will identify and resolve potential hazards, including HVAC equipment electrical connections, health hazards such as mold growth on system parts, checking and recharging refrigerant levels, and inspecting belts for wear and damage. All moving parts will be running more efficiently helping to avoid potentially dangerous system outages.


Paying to have a professional technician tune up your HVAC system is worth the investment. Maintenance is a crucial part of making certain heating and cooling systems work properly. If you’re experiencing any problems now, Bruce’s recommends contacting us immediately. Issues usually get worse over time if they’re not fixed.

Professional Maintenance

There’s no substitute for a professional inspection. At Bruce’s, we’re available 24 hours a day. Reach out today at 480-968-5652 to schedule a convenient appointment and to learn more about our annual maintenance contracts. Our goal is to stop any potential issues before they start. Avoid a system failure that could leave you out in the cold by calling us today.

HVAC unit on outside of house

Important HVAC Terms to Understand

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In the Valley of the Sun, your HVAC system is key for maintaining indoor comfort. Knowing cooling and heating basics can be helpful when you want to understand how things work allowing you to recognize, diagnose, and fix simple issues more easily. Plus, you can more effectively communicate with your local HVAC professionals when needed.

Here’s a list of some common HVAC terms homeowners should know:

Air Handler

The air handler looks like a large metal box and is located inside your house. The indoor unit contains the evaporator coil that’s responsible for adding or absorbing heat.


This component is known as the heart of an air conditioner or heat pump. It pumps refrigerant through your system to circulate coolant throughout your home.

Condensing Unit

The condensing unit sits outside of your house and it’s the part that most looks like an AC unit. This component holds the refrigerant gas that’s passed into the evaporator coils used to cool the air.


Ductwork is the network of channels and pipes connected to the HVAC system that distribute cool and hot air throughout your home.


The furnace is one of the largest single parts of an HVAC system. It’s usually installed in an attic or a closet. The furnace doesn’t actually create heat. It pushes hot or cold air through the ductwork into the rest of your house.

Heat Pump

A heat pump is an HVAC unit that heats or cools by moving heat. For heat, the pump removes heat from outdoor air and circulates it inside through your house’s air ducts. The heat pump reverses this process when it’s used for air conditioning.


The Season Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) measures the energy efficiency of your air conditioning unit or heat pump. Higher SEER ratings mean lower energy costs to run the unit.

Split System (Zoned)

A split system zoned is a type of HVAC system that allows for controlling the temperature in different rooms in your house. It’s usually a ductless system with small units in each room delivering hot or cold air.

Call Bruce’s

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is one of the most important parts of any home. If you need HVAC repairs, system maintenance, or if you’d like professional advice on replacing your HVAC system, contact Bruce’s today at 480-968-5652 to schedule an appointment. Since 1972, our expert technicians have been providing the highest quality products and services to homeowners in the Valley of the Sun. We’re available seven days a week including evenings and holidays.

Happy Labor Day Background Design. Greeting Card, Banner, Poster. Vector Illustration.

HVAC Tips to Get Ready for Labor Day

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For Americans, Labor Day means taking time off work, the start of football season, the traditional end of summer, swimming, backyard barbecues, and spending quality time with friends and family. With Labor Day weekend here, we’ve gathered a few helpful HVAC tips to help you get started on your list.


You may be tempted after the long, hot summer to drop the thermostat lower than 65 degrees to feel the chill on Labor Day. Don’t do it. Lowering the thermostat this low can actually result in the unit freezing up. The AC condenser or evaporator coils may freeze up and stop functioning properly. Even if the coils don’t freeze up, the additional strain on the HVAC system will result in a massive impact to your energy bill. Keeping the thermostat in the mid- to high-70s is the most energy efficient setting to keep everyone cool.

Air Filter

When’s the last time you checked and replaced the air filter? This easy DIY fix can decrease your air conditioner’s power usage by five to 15 percent. If you neglect to check and replace the filter at least monthly in the Valley of the Sun, the air filter will become clogged with dust and dirt. This makes it difficult for your AC unit to pull cool, clean air into your home. The AC unit will cycle on and off more than it should. This cycling uses more power running at a lower capacity for a longer period of time causing more hot and cold spots throughout the house.

Ceiling Fans

Running your ceiling fans in occupied rooms helps to keep you and your family cooler. Ceiling fans help keep the cool air flowing with a steady breeze. They help avoid frequent thermostat temperature adjustments which can strain the AC unit and make you feel like it’s one to four degrees cooler indoors than it actually is.

Call Us

The last thing you want is for your AC to break down on Labor Day. If you have any HVAC concerns, call us to schedule an appointment. Your comfort is our business. You can rely on Bruce’s experienced technicians to take care of any issues that you may have on Labor Day or any day of the year. Emergency services are available on the Labor Day holiday by calling Bruce’s at 480-968-5652. Enjoy the long Labor Day holiday weekend!

Technician is checking air conditioner, measuring equipment for filling air conditioners.

American Standard HVAC Replacement Options

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Tired of warm nights, escalating energy bills, and unexpected repair costs? It may be time to replace your HVAC system. Did you know that Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating is a certified American Standard HVAC dealer, providing industry-leading, affordable, and long-lasting systems for your cooling and heating needs? And with the passage of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, there’s an opportunity to save even more on specific products. Here’s how some of American Standard’s products can be a good fit for your home.

HVAC Systems

Here are five reasons to consider replacing your HVAC system.

  1. Your HVAC system is over 10 years old.
  2. You’d like to lower your monthly energy bills with a more energy efficient model.
  3. Your home’s indoor air quality has been deteriorating.
  4. You’re ready to take advantage of new federal tax credits, financial incentives, and potential rebates.

Beginning in 2023, HVAC system efficiency measures were increased for air conditioning units. What that means for you is systems manufactured this year are at least 30% more energy efficient than models from five or ten years ago. By replacing your outdated HVAC system with a new silver, gold, or platinum American Standard unit, you’ll be saving thousands of kilowatt hours of energy over the lifetime of the AC unit and prevent tens of thousands of pounds of greenhouse gas emissions according to Plus, the federal government offers a tax credit on the purchase and installation of a new American Standard air conditioner.

Heat Pumps

A new heat pump may be the solution for your home if you’re replacing or upgrading all or part of your HVAC system. Heat pumps are like a combination of an air conditioning unit and a furnace. They’re extremely energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Bruce’s offers a number of American Standard heat pumps to match your requirements, and heat pumps are eligible for new federal tax credits.

Ductless HVAC Systems

A ductless HVAC system can be a great solution if you’re adding on another bedroom or an office. When you add on an addition, you’re increasing the workload on the entire system if you add ductwork. Ductless systems are more efficient because you’re able to control the temperature in just one room instead of the entire house. When the room doesn’t need to be cooled, that part of the ductless system can be turned off requiring less energy.

Ready to learn more about why American Standard air conditioners and heat pumps are a smart energy-efficient home investment? Call your local Bruce’s experts today at 480-968-5652 to schedule an appointment. We’re your cooling and heating professionals—serving the entire greater Phoenix area.