Category Archives: Heating

Fall into a Thermostat Reset

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Fall into a Thermostat Reset

Finally, cooler fall temperatures have arrived in the Valley of the Sun. Welcome relief from the punishing, summer triple digit heat bringing opportunities for plenty of fun, outdoor activities. October can also bring downright chilly early morning and evening temperatures. With the change in season from summer to fall, it’s a great time to take a few moments to reset your programmable thermostat. This will ensure you’re optimizing your home’s HVAC system for both heating comfort and cost.

At Home Morning, Noon, and Night

Setting your thermostat at 68 degrees when you wake up in the morning or when you’re working from home is energy efficient. You’ll feel pleasantly warm without raising your monthly heating bills to excessive levels. Consider the best hours when this temperature setting is most appropriate according to your family’s typical weekday and weekend schedules.

When you’re sleeping, you probably will not notice a slight drop in temperature. Even if you’re sensitive to colder indoor temperatures, an extra blanket, a heated blanket, or a cozy comforter on the bed is usually enough to maintain warmth without dialing up the heat. Consider lowering your thermostat setting by five degrees or more for the eight or more hours that you’re in bed asleep.

Leaving Home

Did you know that you can save up to 15 percent on your monthly heating bills by lowering your thermostat setting by 10 degrees for at least eight hours each day? If your family schedules are relatively consistent, you can set your thermostat to increase your home’s indoor temperature 15 to 20 minutes before you arrive home. Reducing your house’s indoor temperature while you’re away on vacation will save energy, too. You probably won’t notice the temperature difference in your home, but you sure will on your monthly electricity bills.

Bruce’s Professionals Are Always Available for You and Your Family

If you’re struggling with an outdated thermostat that you can’t program or are having difficulty programming your programmable or smart thermostat, it may be time to consider installing a newer model or getting professional programming advice. Thermostat technology has advanced dramatically in the last three years, and it’s easier than ever to reduce your energy consumption while still maintaining a comfortable home temperature. Call the experts at Bruce’s Heating & Air Conditioning to learn more about the benefits of installing a new programmable or smart thermostat. Call our HVAC technicians anytime of the day or night at 480-968-5652. We’re a trusted locally owned business providing exceptional customer care throughout the entire process. Our service is unbeatable!

Your Heater Shouldn’t Be Making These Noises

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Your home’s heating system is likely one of the most overworked and overlooked parts of your HVAC system during winter months. Most often, it’s just doing its job heating your home to comfortable levels. But, when it begins making strange or loud sounds, it may be time to call in your expert, local professionals. Let’s explore some unusual noises that may be coming from your heater and what they may mean.

Squealing or Whining

Hearing a high-pitched squeal or whining noise from your heater? It may be the blower motor bearings overheating caused by two potential culprits. The first scenario happens when the blower motor gets extremely hot due to some type of blockage. The bearings will begin to fail prematurely and the heater will eventually stop working properly. The second potential cause may be from bad capacitors. Capacitors wear down over time and need to be replaced.

Whistling Sounds

That whistling sound may simply be due to a clogged air filter restricting air flow. The noise may also be caused from a leak in the air duct or faulty connections to the main ducting trunkline.

Popping Noises

If you notice a loud popping noise when your heater is starting to run, it may be due to inflation in the air ducts. When the heating cycle kicks in, the blower motor begins distributing warm air through the air ducts. When warm air reaches cold air ducts in your home, the metal enlarges and may cause popping noises. If the popping noises don’t dissipate over time, then there may be a problem with wiring, dirt or debris or even a loose screw.

Humming and Buzzing

Heaters often have low humming or buzzing sounds when running. A cause for concern is when these noises become markedly louder. The blower fan may be damaged or a capacitor may be short-circuiting.


Hearing screeching noises when your heater is on? Most commonly, a motor bearing, belt or even the motor itself can create these disturbing sounds.


Chirping may be induced by the heater not running for a while. If the noise continues or grows worse, it may be an indication of a failing belt.

Call Bruce’s

If you are unsure about any noise your heating system is making, the safest thing to do is call your friendly local Valley-wide experts in HVAC servicing, repair, and installation at Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating. Call Bruce’s today at 480-968-5652.

Tips for Sleeping More Comfortably in Winter

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December is the season for shorter days, colder nights, chillier mornings, and potentially more difficulty getting a good night’s sleep. If this time of year means more tossing and turning at night for you, here are some ways to optimize your home to get better quality sleep all winter long.

Don’t Overheat

The top tip for sleeping better is to NOT turn up the thermostat too high to compensate for cold temperatures outside. A cool temperature remains conducive for quality sleep even during the winter. A home heated too warm can leave you feeling uncomfortable and dehydrated in the morning. And overheating your house keeps your body’s internal temperature from dropping to prepare for sleep. Turn down your heat and have an extra blanket handy if you do get chilly.

Best Temperature

The Department of Energy recommends keeping your house at a temperature around 68 degrees in the winter months. If you’re at home, setting your thermostat between 68 to 72 degrees might be ideal. At night, you may sleep more comfortably by turning down the temperature between 62 and 66 degrees. It’s best to acclimate your body by lowering the thermostat by one degree every few days. Because heating makes up the largest percentage of your monthly utility bills, these recommendations can reduce your energy consumption up to 10 percent.

Use a Humidifier

Keeping your home toasty inside can dry out your nose and throat, which may cause you to wake up more frequently during the night. By running a humidifier in your bedroom, you’ll be adding moisture back into the air, enabling more sound sleep. Make certain that you regularly clean the humidifier to prevent mildew and mold from building up in the water reservoir.

Draft Proof

When your home is losing warm air to the outside, you’re wasting heat, increasing your energy bills, and disrupting your sleep patterns. The inflow of cold air may cause your thermostat to adjust by overheating your house to compensate for the fluctuations in temperature. Seal cracks, gaps, and windowsills to reduce heat loss.

Call Bruce’s

Find out more about winter home heating tips for sleeping better by contacting your local valley-wide experts in HVAC servicing, repair, and installation. Call Bruce’s today at 480-968-5652. You’ll be glad you did!

Alternative Holiday Gift Giving Ideas- Heating and Air Conditioning Presents

With Black Friday almost here, you’re likely contemplating holiday gift giving. Here’s an idea that you may not have considered – HVAC. Here are three HVAC-related gifts that will continue to deliver home comfort for many years to come.

HVAC Maintenance

The holiday giving season is a great time to gift an HVAC maintenance plan. Giving peace of mind this time of year to protect the investment in heating and cooling, an HVAC maintenance plan is a must have on your gift giving list. At Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating, we offer home maintenance plans designed to fit your needs and holiday gift giving budget. And this thoughtful holiday gift provides the recipient special benefits, discounts, and priority service.

HVAC maintenance plans help lower the monthly cost of utility bills, extend the life of HVAC equipment, reduce the need for expensive, out-of-pocket repairs, and increase the performance of heating and cooling systems.

Bruce’s HVAC maintenance contracts include twice yearly appointments which we fit into your schedule. Your gift recipient will save on the cost of a maintenance appointment, and if any necessary repairs are required, they’ll save on those, as well. This is truly a peace of mind gift knowing there’s reliable, efficient help whenever there’s a problem, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call now to find out more about our maintenance plans.

Home Air Duct Cleaning

Black Friday is a terrific opportunity to gift home duct cleaning. Air duct cleaning generally includes cleaning the supply and return air ducts, grills, plenum, register vent covers, and the furnace or AC blower. The costs may depend on the number of vents, ductwork size, level of contaminants, and vent accessibility. For a free estimate, call us today.

HVAC System

Sharing your generosity by gifting an HVAC system to a loved one can be a life-changing gift. By gifting a new HVAC system, you’ll be giving a reliable, long-lasting gift that provides lasting peace of mind and comfort.

Call Bruce’s

For additional details and to purchase any of these three very practical, generous HVAC gifts, contact your local valley-wide experts in HVAC repair & installation, Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating. Call Bruce’s today at 480-968-5652.

Heat Pump or Gas Furnace?

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The holiday season brings chilly nights and downright cold mornings. Morning and evening temperatures in the Valley of the Sun can dip down into the 40s or below in some outer lying areas in November. In other words, it’s chilly enough to require firing up the heater.

Although some Phoenix area homes were built with gas furnaces, not all Phoenix area neighborhoods are serviced with gas lines. When a gas furnace is not possible, another option is a heat pump. Not sure what the difference is? Keep reading.

What is the Difference Between a Heat Pump and a Gas Furnace?

The home heat pump moves or transfers heat from one place to another. A heat pump looks almost exactly like an air conditioning unit and the inner workings are quite similar. There is, however, one big difference. A heat pump contains a reversing valve which allows it to pull heat from the outdoors and pump the heat indoors.

A gas furnace, whether conventional or high efficiency, takes in cold air, cleans this outdoor air with an air filter, heats it up with a gas burner using a steel heat exchanger, and distributes the warm air with a blower motor through your house’s ductwork.

What Are Some Advantages and Disadvantages Between Heat Pumps and Gas Furnaces?

Heat pumps are a clean source of energy, powered by electricity. They are very energy efficient and take advantage of naturally occurring heat in the outside air. Heat pumps run year-round and are considered an excellent option for Arizona homes, especially if gas lines are not available in your neighborhood.

A gas furnace may last for 20 to 30 years, while a heat pump will have a much shorter life span. Unlike heat pumps, gas furnaces are generally in use only from November to February. Furnaces burn gas, which may be less expensive, depending on the economy, but like any fossil fuel, results in exhaust containing carbon monoxide which can be dangerous and contribute to climate change. The fact is, there are advantages and disadvantages to each.

Bruce’s expert service technicians will be happy to explain the pros and cons to you during a home consultation.

Bruce’s Technicians Know-How

If your old gas furnace needs to be replaced, or if you’re considering installing a new heat pump, why not give us a call? Our friendly experts have decades of experience heating and cooling Arizona homes. We will perform a thorough inspection of your current HVAC system and provide you with options, so you can make an informed decision about what’s right for your home. Call Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating today at 480-968-5652.