Happy Memorial Day from the Valley’s Leader in HVAC

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Valley of the Sun temperatures are rising, and Memorial Day is here. Yes, it’s the unofficial kickoff of summer! And it’s also the perfect time to consider the health of your HVAC system if you’re planning a getaway trip.

Going Away for the Memorial Day Weekend?

Don’t be tempted to set uncomfortably high thermostat temperatures while you’re away from home. This will result in your air conditioner battling to lower the indoor temperature to a pleasant level when you return, overworking your system. If you have pets staying at home, make sure to keep it cool enough for them to be comfortable while you’re away.

Even worse is turning your HVAC system off. Indoor temperatures will climb rapidly if your AC is turned off. You don’t want to return from vacation to a home that is 90 degrees or higher. Mold can begin to grow from a lack of air circulation and high humidity levels.

Cool Summer Tips

These easy-to-follow suggestions will help ensure your house’s AC unit works properly while you’re away.

  • Closing blinds and curtains will help keep your home cool while you’re away. Sunshine can heat up your house, causing your AC to work longer and less efficiently.
  • Think about buying a programmable thermostat to regulate indoor temperatures and humidity levels. They’re easy-to-set up, so your home stays comfortable for your return.
  • Check and change your air filter. A dirty air filter decreases airflow and increases the demand on your cooling system.

The professionals at Bruce’s Air Conditioning understand the extreme summer heat and the demands placed on your AC unit. Call the experts at Bruce’s Air Conditioning today at 480-968-5652.

Happy Memorial Day