For many families, especially kids, the holiday season starts with Halloween. The Great Pumpkin, children in colorful costumes, hayrides and trick or treating – all are welcome hints that summer is over and cooler nights will soon be here. When you live in the desert, waving goodbye to triple digit temperatures for another year feels liberating. Walking the dog in the middle of the day (instead of 6 am) or just enjoying the perfect fall weather reminds Arizonans why they moved here in the first place.
October is also a great month to have the “H” in your HVAC checked. Firing up the furnace for the first cold night can sometimes bring unwelcome surprises. Many homeowners schedule two HVAC checkups per year; one in early spring for air conditioning and another in fall to check the furnace and prepare for winter.
Your Furnace Has Been Idle All Summer Long
Many Phoenix residents chuckle at the thought of getting their furnace inspected. “It’s been as hot as blazes, and you want me to have my heater checked?” It’s important to note, though winters are mild in Arizona, desert nights can get downright cold. Any appliance that has been unused and collecting dust for six months can benefit from a service inspection. Here are a few reasons why October is the perfect time for an HVAC checkup:
- The First Time Is Not Always a Charm – The intense summers in Arizona push your air conditioner to the limit. Monsoon dust storms deposit fine desert dirt and dust in your HVAC system. Depending on the type of air conditioner/furnace combination you have installed in your home, the constant vibration from the air conditioner can cause problems with other moving parts including your heater. As the weather cools down, we often receive calls from concerned customers telling us there’s a burning smell coming from their furnace. This may be something as simple as dust burning off or, if it persists, it might be something more serious. If you notice a burning smell you haven’t noticed before, please call for service immediately.
- Gas Furnaces – Gas furnaces do a great job of providing heat for homes. However, because they are slightly more complex than electric heaters, they don’t always fire up perfectly the first time after their summer vacation. Our experienced technicians will check all aspects of your gas furnace (including that darn pilot light that always seems to need relighting) to insure a safe, first time start up when the temperature drops.
- Have You Installed a New Thermostat? – Thermostats are generally very reliable and problem free. However, many homeowners have elected to install smart thermostats which give them more control over their HVAC system. As with any new piece of equipment, it may be a good idea to have one of our technicians double check the thermostat and make sure the settings are correct for both the AC and the heater.
- Prepare for the Holidays – Scheduling a HVAC checkup in October means you will be all set for the coming holidays. There’s nothing worse than a furnace malfunction on a holiday weekend. With summer over, the air conditioning emergency calls slow down and regular maintenance appointments can be scheduled and completed in a jiffy.
Furnace Problems Can Be as Scary as Halloween – But Not As Fun
It’s best to play it safe with winter on the way. If your furnace has not been checked for over a year, why not call us to schedule a check up and make sure everything is in proper working order. One thing is for certain, turning on your heater on the first cold night only to find out it’s not working is downright scary. Call Bruce’s Air Conditioning & Heating today.