The Fourth of July is the time for backyard barbecues, parades and firework displays. And for Arizonans, Independence Day is also about hot temperatures – sizzling hot. The kind of temperatures that send your utility bill skyrocketing like a Fourth of July firework.
To help keep your mind on the holiday’s fun and festivities instead of on your thermostat and next month’s utility bill, we have a few cost-saving tips to share.
Run the Fans
Moving air helps evaporate sweat from the skin. Evaporational cooling is an energy-efficient and effective process that you can take advantage of by simply turning on your ceiling fans. In fact, this one simple action can make a room feel several degrees cooler than it actually is.
Avoid the Stove and Oven
It’s the Fourth of July – time to fire up the barbecue and enjoy cold foods like potato salad and watermelon. By not cooking during hot spells, you can reduce indoor heat and lessen the load on your air conditioner.
Consider Humidity
If the air isn’t humid, turn your air conditioner fan speed on high. This helps circulate the air and improves the efficiency of your air conditioner. However, on those muggy monsoon-like days, turn the fan speed to low. The slower air movement through your air conditioning system will remove more moisture from the air, making you feel cooler.
Take a Dip
Water cools you down – plain and simple. So, take a cool shower, soak in a bath, hop in a pool or run in the sprinklers on your front lawn. You’ll chill out quickly without having to amp up your AC.
Happy Fourth of July from our family to yours! Have a safe and wonderful holiday.